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rifle range 步槍射擊[打靶]場;步槍射程。

rifle scope

Basic training includes an obstacle course on which you learn to move through the game ' s environments , a rifle range on which you qualify with the m16a2 , and a weapons course on which you familiarize yourself with a few of the heavier hitters in the infantryman ' s arsenal ( among them the squad automatic rifle , hand grenades , and m203 grenade launcher ) 基礎訓練包括:一門障礙越野課程將讓你學習穿越游戲中的各種環境,一門步槍射擊課程讓你有資格使用m16a2 ,一門武器課程讓你在步兵武器庫中使用一些重型武器(包括自動班步槍,手雷, m203槍?彈) 。

A scheme to enclose the peninsular delta of the north bull at dollymount and erect on the space of the foreland , used for golf links and rifle ranges , an asphalted esplanade with casinos , booths , shooting galleries , hotels , boardinghouses , readingrooms , establishments for mixed bathing 筑一道堤壩,把多利山的北公牛那半島狀三角洲圈起274 ,用來修高爾夫球場和步槍打靶場,前面那片地上鋪一條柏油散步路,兩側是賭博場貨攤射擊練習室旅館公寓閱覽室和男女混合浴池。

These include the airborne school , ranger school , and ? if you had a high enough score on the rifle range ? the sniper school 這包括:空降兵學校,突擊隊學校,和(如果你的分足夠高到如步槍的射程那樣高)狙擊兵學校。

C . o . d . restricted to buyers in penang , malaysia only . point of collection : penang rifle range post office 現金交易只限馬來西亞,檳城買家。取貨地點:檳城打槍埔郵政局

This rifle ranges over a mile 這種步槍射程達一英里